Entrevistas a músicos que ayudaron a forjar al metal extremo/Interviews with musicians that helped to build the extreme metal

lunes, 23 de febrero de 2009

Reportaje a Daniel Gómez (Ex-GOTHIC SLAM, Actualmente en GHETTO)

(Entrevistador: Martín)
(Traducción: Pablo Gabriel Krause. ¡Gracias Pablo por la valiosa ayuda!)

Martín: Daniel, gracias por tomarte el tiempo de responder estas preguntas. Para empezar, hablemos de tu presente. ¿Qué nos podés decir de GHETTO, tu nueva banda?

Daniel: Bueno, es una larga historia, pero veamos... primero, dejame decirte que en lo personal, no paré en ningún momento. Nunca dejé de hacer música y mis objetivos son los mismos que tenía desde mis días en GOTHIC SLAM. En un momento hasta hubo rumores que decían que me había muerto. ¿Podés creerlo? ¡No me podrían matar ni aunque quisieran! JA!. Después de GOTHIC SLAM estuve perdido por algún tiempo. Desde mi adolescencia siempre me he mantenido a mi mismo y mucha gente me malinterpretó. Yo veía las cosas muy diferentes a muchos de mis amigos, ya que yo tenía que lidiar con situaciones como mantenerme por mis medios mucho antes ellos. Vivía en un cuarto en el cual tenía que compartir la ducha con otros inquilinos mientras iba saltando de trabajo en trabajo para sobrevivir mientras perseguía mi sueño de una carrera musical. Los otros chicos todavía vivían en sus casas y no tenían que lidiar con el stress con el que yo lidiaba, así que era un tipo con mucha calle y muy agresivo. Literalmente, hubo momentos en donde no comía nada y vivía con hambre. Y tenía “hambre” de que las cosas sucedan urgentemente... en algún momento u otro, toqué con un montón de gente de la zona en diferentes proyectos, ya sea tocando la batería, la guitarra, el bajo o cantando, pero la cosa no iba para ningún lado. Mucha gente piensa que es fácil pero no entienden los sacrificios que uno tiene que hacer cuando realmente querés estar en una banda profesional. Creen que lo saben pero cuando llega el momento de ensuciarse empiezan a flaquear, sobre todo a medida que te vas poniendo más viejo. Todo el mundo quiere ser un rockstar, pero la realidad no es como el videojuego "Rock Band" (risas). Cuesta un montón... Bueno, GHETTO es justamente lo que he estado haciendo por años bajo diferentes nombres y con diferentes personas. No hay demasiado misterio... nueva alinación, nuevo nombre y desarrollé un estilo propio que llamo "HEAVY-SOUL-METAL". Hay un movimiento under llamado GHETTO-METAL y está creciendo. Puede que tome un tiempo pero vas a sentir hablar de eso en algún momento, y acordate que lo escuchaste de mi antes de que se convierta en la nueva moda (risas). Sabés de lo que hablo... en algún momento lo sabrás.

Martín: ¿De dónde surgió la idea para el nombre?

Daniel: Bueno, GHETTO no es precisamente el tipo de nombre que uno piensa para una banda de heavy metal. Mucha gente lo asocia con un artista de hip-hop o un proyecto de gansta-rap. La palabra también asusta a mucha gente porque lo asocian con lo que le pasó a los judíos o a cualquier grupo de gente que estuvo forzada a vivir en un “ghetto” por los sucesos sociales del mundo. Pero yo pienso en el nombre de una manera positiva. Yo fui un "ghetto" toda mi vida y para mí, representa hacer lo mejor con lo que tenés a tu alcance. Sabés que puede no ser nuevo ni caro, pero es tuyo, y eso es ghetto-fabuloso. Me gusta convertir los términos negativos en algo positivo, me encantan ese tipo de cosas. No hacer lo fácil... hacer pensar a la gente.

Martín: ¿Hay planes de lanzar un disco o grabar algún tipo de material?

Daniel: Sí, por supuesto. ¡Siempre! Y en estos tiempos modernos realmente no hay necesidad de tener un sello discográfico. Yo tengo material nuevo y material del pasado en mis sitios y puedo controlar lo que pasa con ello. No me tengo que preocupar sobre qué está pasando con mi plata y ese tipo de cosas porque puedo hacerlo yo mismo. Antes no podíamos hacer eso. De haber podido hoy estaría más adelante en mi carrera y en la manera en que trabajo. Olvidalo, olvidé mencionar que siempre fui un cabrón... es la mentalidad de "hacelo vos mismo", a la vieja escuela.

Martín: OK, ahora hablemos de GOTHIC SLAM. "Killer Instinct" y "Just a Face in the Crowd" fueron dos LP's de thrash duro y sólido que probablemente no tuvieron el reconocimiento que merecían. ¿Estás de acuerdo? ¿Torrid Records los apoyaba adecuadamente?

Daniel: Bueno, coincido con vos en un punto: estoy muy agradecido de lo que logré. Torrid Records hacía lo que podía en ese momento, ellos eran nuevos en eso y todos nos la jugamos. Me tomó mucho tiempo aceptar eso y lo hice, las cosas pasaron como pasaron por alguna razón pero todos nos echamos la culpa entre nosotros durante un buen tiempo. Ahora somos consideramos un banda clásica de "THRASH" y puedo vivir con eso, ¡Me han dicho cosas peores! (risas) Nada mal para un grupo de pibes de Union City, Nueva Jersey.

Martín: ¿Giraron con alguna banda de thrash durante los ochentas? ¿Hay alguna historia de la gira en especial que quieras compartir?

Daniel: ¡Dios mío!. Tocamos con algunas de las mejores bandas en esa época por entonces, y creo que es genial haber formado parte de toda la época del "THRASH" (Hace como un lamento con nostalgia). Hay muchísimas historias, algunas que recuerdo y otras que algún día espero olvidar! (risas). Mucha gente me cuenta historias todo el tiempo que no puedo recordar... ¡Sexo, drogas y rock and roll!. YEAH!. Tomaría demasiado tiempo.

Martín: La vieja escuela del thrash metal y el thrash metal tradicional están retornando gracias a bandas como Merciless Death o Municipal Waste por mencionar sólo dos. ¿Qué opinás sobre estos grupos que siendo tan jóvenes recrean estos viejos sonidos?

Daniel: ¡QUE DIOS LOS FUCKING BENDIGA! ¡SIGAN LLEVANDO ADELANTE LA LLAMA DEL THRASH! Hágan que nos sentamos orgullosos... toquénlo fuerte...

Martín: ¿Te gustan bandas como Lamb of God, Mastodon o las bandas de "metalcore"?

Daniel: Supongo que sí, y no. No he escuchado nada que me haya movido realmente. Una cosa son todos estos "cantantes monstruitos" que suenan todos iguales pero esas bandas son para su generación y yo de eso no sé un carajo. Yo puedo amar una banda y puede que vos la odies y vice versa. Son preferencias personales, está todo bien.

Martín: Soy un gran fan de Thin Lizzy y realmente disfruto al escuchar la versión de "Thunder and Lightning" en "Just a Face in the Crowd". ¿Cómo surgió la idea de tocar e incluir esa versión?

Daniel: Supongo que alguien nos consideró una especie de “Thin Lizzy thrasher”. Honestamente yo no estaba muy enganchado con ellos en aquél entonces. Me llevó años reconocer su grandeza y ahora estoy feliz de haber grabado esa canción... es un clásico.

Martín: ¿Qué pasó después del lanzamiento de "Just a Face in the Crowd"? ¿Por qué se separó la banda?

Daniel: La típica boludez de “Spinal Tap” (Aclaración: Película de culto de los ochentas en donde se ironiza y parodia con todos los clissés de una banda de rock pesado) que le pasa a un monton de bandas. Peleas, fiestas, tensiones sobre cómo seguir. En mi caso, era la plata. Necesitaba plata para sobrevivir y no la tenía o el tiempo para toda la historieta. Igual, yo tampoco era perfecto. Actué de manera equivocada sobre las cosas en esa época. ¿Si me gustaría que hubiésemos continuado y tener casas y un auto? Te estaría mintiendo si te digo que no pero las cosas pasan por una razón. Aprendí un montón de esta experiencia.

Martín: Me gustaría saber qué pensas acerca de esta enorme hola de dowloads de musica y el tema del mp3. ¿Realmente creés que eso puede beneficiar a la música como cree alguna gente? Sentite libre de decir lo que quieras.

Daniel: Bueno, en mi opinión seguro que sí porque tengo el control sobre lo que pasa: distribución, promoción, la gente compra una canción online y nos llega directamente a nosotros. Me hubiese gustado que fuese así hace 15 años... si hubiesemos tenido este tipo de acceso con GOTHIC SLAM quién sabe dónde estaríamos ahora. Yo estuve promocionando esta banda por dos o tres años con la ayuda de mi equipo de management, encabezado por Greg (Metal Prodigy Management and Productions) y su gente, y por ahora todo viene saliendo bien. Por ejemplo, vos estás ayudando a la banda con esta entrevista y no sos la “Rolling Stone” ni nosotros somos METALLICA, pero si tiramos todos para el mismo lado podemos llegar a la misma cantidad de personas que ellos através de la tecnología, algo que en su momento no se podía hacer. Vos encontraste el sitio de GOTHIC SLAM y de ahí me encontraste a mí, o yo te encontré a vos... ¡Seguro vos pensabas que estaba muerto también! (¡¡¡Tremendas risas y carcajadas!!!). Pero ahora sabés que estoy en un proyecto nuevo y de qué se trata. Vieja escuela, boca a boca y búsqueda en Internet. Y si hacés correr la voz entre tus amigos y tu gente que lee esto, no tiene precio. Igual, si yo fuese tan grande como METALLICA seguramente estaría un poco enojado porque la gente está consiguiendo mi música gratis y dificultando la manera en que me gano la vida. Si tuvieras una tienda no te gustaría que entre gente a robarte, ¿O no?. Así que va para los dos lados: es buenísimo para las bandas independientes pero es una mierda para las bandas grandes ya establecidas.

Martín: ¿Hay intenciones de reeditar los dos LP's de GOTHIC SLAM en CD? Sería genial, porque actualmente es imposible conseguir una copia de esos trabajos.

Daniel: No lo sé, yo no tengo control sobre eso. Pero lo genial es que, nuevamente, si vas a uno de estos sitios y me mandás un email yo puedo mandarte una copia de los CD's con una copia del arte de tapa y lo conseguirías "ESTILO-GHETTO".

Sitio oficial de GHETTO:

Sitio MySpace GHETTO:

Martín: Daniel, si tendrías que elegir tus diez discos favoritos de toda tu vida (metal o no). ¿Qué discos eligirías?









Martín: OK, Daniel. Muchas gracias por tu tiempo y buena suerte con GHETTO. ¿Querés agregar algunas palabras finales para la gente que está leyendo esto?

Daniel: GRACIAS por tu interés en GOTHIC SLAM después de tanto tiempo y por todos los e mails que me llegan sobre esos días, y espero que puedas disfrutar de los proyectos que encare en el futuro. Muchas gracias MARTÍN por esta entrevista y por la difusión. Te deseo lo mejor.

Interview with Daniel Gómez (Ex- GOTHIC SLAM, Actually in GHETTO)

(Interviewer: Martín)

Martín: Daniel, thank you very much for taking the time to answer these questions. To start the interview let's talk about your present. What can you tell me about your new band called GHETTO?

Daniel: Well this can be a long story but let's see. Well again let me say that I have been here the whole time I have never at any point stopped playing music and my drive and goals are still the same as they were from my GOTHIC SLAM days. There was even rumors that I was dead, can you belive that! (You couldn’t kill me if you wanted) HA!. Well after GOTHIC SLAM I was personally lost for awhile and since I have been on my own since my early teen years I was very misunderstood by a lot of people. I saw things diffrent from a lot of my friends due to the fact I had to deal with diffrent situations such as I had been living on my own before most of my friends. I had a room that I had to share a shower with other tenants in a rooming house and struggled going from job to job to survive while persuing my music career. The other guys all still lived at home and did not have to deal with the stresses I had, so I was very street wise and very aggressive. I literally went at times without eating, so I was always hungry. So, my hunger to make something happen was urgent. I have played with a lot of people from my area at some point or another in diffrent projects either playing drums, guitar, bass or singing and it went nowhere. You see people think it is easy to do it, they don't really understand the sacrifices you have to make when you really want to be in a professional band. They think they do but when it comes down to getting dirty they start to flake out especially as you get older...
Everyone wants to be a rockstar but the reality is it's not like the video game "ROCK BAND" (Laughs). It takes a lot. Well, GHETTO is just what I have been doing for years that have gone under diffrent names with diffrent people. No big mystery. New guys, wew name. I have developed my own style, I call it HEAVY-SOUL-METAL.
There is an underground movement called GHETTO-METAL and it is growing. It may take some time, but you will hear about it at some point and remember you heard it from me before it becomes the latest trend (Laughs). You feel me… you will at some point.

Martín: How did become the idea for the name?

Daniel: Well GHETTO is not the kind of name you think of for a heavy metal band. A lot of people think of a hip-hop artist or a gangster rap project. Also the word scares a lot of people they think of the projects or what happened to jewish people or any group of people that have been forced into them due to social events of the world. I think of it as a positive, I have been GHETTO my whole life and to me it means making the best with what you have. You know, it may not be new or expensive, but it is yours and that's GHETTO-FABULOUS. I like turning the negative term into a positive, I love that kind of shit. Never make it easy....make people think.

Martín: Are there any plans to release an album or record some material?

Daniel: Well hell yeah, always!. And in these modern times there is really no need for a record label. I have new material and stuff from the past on my sites and now I can control what happens to them. I don't have to worry about what's going on with money and things like that cause I can do it myself. We couldn't do that years ago, if I could I would have been futher in my career and the way I work. Forget about it….. I did mention I am always hungry rite. It's a do it yourself mentality, old school.

Martín: OK, now let's talk about Gothic Slam. "Killer Instinct" and "Just A Face In the Crowd" were two strong and solid thrash LPs that maybe don't received the proper recognition. Are you agree with me?. Torrid Records supported the band properly?

Daniel: Well, I agree with u to a point. I am greatful for what we accomplished. TORRID RECORDS did what they could at the time, and they were new at it as well and we all took a chance. It took me a long time to come to terms with that. And I have. It happened the way it did for reason. But we all blamed each other for a while there. But now we are considered a classic "THRASH" band, and I can live with that, I've been called worse (Laughs). Not to shabby for a bunch of kids from Union City, New Jersey.

Martín: Did you tour with thrash bands during the eighties?. Any special story on the road that would like to share?

Daniel: Oh my God. We played with some of tha best in that era in time and I think it is great to be part of tha whole thrash era (SNIFF) there are a lot of stories some I remember and some I would like to forget (Laughs) people tell me stories all that time that i can't recall... "SEX, DRUGS AND ROCK AND ROLL BABY...YEAH!. It would take to long.

Martín: Old school thrash metal and tradicional thrash metal are returning thanks to bands like Merciless Death or Municipal Waste, to mention only two. What do you think about this groups that being so young recreate this old sounds?

Daniel: GOD FUCKIN BLESS THEM. CARRY THE THRASH TORCH FORWARD!. Make us proud... play it loud...

Martín: Do you like acts like Lamb Of God, Mastodon, or "metalcore" bands?

Daniel: Yes and no, I guess. I haven't heard anything that has really moved me. One thing is all these cookie monster vocalists it all sounds the same. But those bands are for their generation, and I don't know shit. A band I love, you may hate, and vice versa. All personal prefrences. It's all good.

Martín: I am a big Thin Lizzy fan, and I really enjoyed to listen "Thunder And Lightning" on "Just A Face In The Crowd". How did became the idea of play and include that version?

Daniel: Well, I guess someone considered us a kind of “Thrash THIN LIZZY”. Honestly, I was never into them back then, it took me years to recognize their greatness, and now I am glad we did that song. It's a classic.

Martín: What happened after the release of "Just A Face In Your Crowd"? Why the band split up?

Daniel: The usual “Spinal Tap” bullshit that happens to a lot of bands. Fighting, parting, tension with how to get ahead. Me personally was money. I needed it to survive and I didn't have it or the time for stories. I wasn't perfect either though. I went about things at that time the wrong way. Do I wish we would have continued and I had a nice house and car?. I would be lying if I said no but things happen for a reason. I have learned a lot from the expierence.

Martín: I would like to know what do you think about this huge wave of downloading music and mp3 thing. Do you really believe that benefit the music like some persons that believe this?. Feel free to say whatever you like.

Daniel: Well for me hell yeah it does, cause I have control over what happens, distibution, promotion, networking people buy a song and it comes to us directly. It burns my ass cause I wish I had these tools 15 years ago. If we had this access with GOTHIC SLAM who knows where we would be. I have been promoting this band for 2 to 3 years with the help of my management team headed by tha great Greg (METAL PRODIGY MANAGEMENT AND PRODUCTIONS) and his people and so far so good. For instance you are helping the band with this interview and you are not “ROLLING STONE MAGAZINE” and we are not METALLICA. But if we push it we can reach as many people as them through the technology. Something we could not do back in the day. You found the GOTHIC SLAM site and in turn you found me or I found you. You probably thought I was dead too (Lots of laughs!!!). But now you know I have a new project and that's what it is about.....old school...word of mouth and web searches. And you will spread the word to your friends and peeps who read this.It's priceless. Now if i was as big as METALLICA, I would be a little pissed if people were getting my music for free cause then you are messing with how I make my living. If you had a store, you wouldn't want people to steal from it right?. So it goes both ways: great for indie bands but sucks for big established bands.

Martín: Are there any intention of re releasing the two LPs on CD?. It will be great, because actually it is impossible to get any copy of them.

Daniel: I don't know, I have no control of that, but the great thing again is if you go to one of the sites and send me an e-mail, I can send you a copy of the CDs with a copy of the art cover, and u will get it ...GHETTO-STYLE.



Martín: Daniel, if you would choose your favorite ten album of all your life (Of metal or not), which will be the chosen ones?.




5.DMX- (ALL)




Martín: OK, Daniel. Thank you very much for your time and good luck with GHETTO. Would to like to say some final words for the people that are reading this?

Daniel: THANK YOU for your intrest in GOTHIC SLAM still and all the e-mails i get about those days. And hopefully you enjoy the projects I do in the future. Big thanks to u MARTIN for this interview and the exposure. I wish you all the best.

domingo, 28 de diciembre de 2008

Interview with Kingsley "King" Fowley (DECEASED)

(Interviewer: Martín)

Martín: DECEASED has a lot of years on the scene, let’s talk about the present. What you did before the release of “As The Weird Travel On”.?

King: Well we always keep busy. We are always gigging or writing or just goofing off. Living anjd enjoying life!. We've done plenty of singles and a few splits with bands we are friends with. Mainly right now we are writing and worknig for our next record "Surreal Overdose"!

Martín: What is your vision about the current underground thrash/death scene in the United States?

King: I honestly can't keep up. Now retro thrash is in the 'in' thing. and bands are starting and stopping so quick changing styles overnight. It makes it easy to question their sincerity to it all, 15 minutes of fame syndrome. I love that music is getting writtena nd played, I just hope it's for the right reasons. Clubs are still doing gigs with metal bands so on the live front it's decent.

Martín: Are there any plans with DECEASED in 2009?

King: A new LP "Surreal Overdose" and hopefully alot of gigs with the current live line up. We have been busting our asses getting the live band in tune for gigs 'a plenty. We want to travel the states and bring the tombstones of terror to towns we've never been. Other then that probably some new shirts, merchandise and lots of fun and good times.

Martín: Let’s talk about the past. You are the founder of the group. Arlington isn’t the zone that someone expected for an act of death metal. Could you tell me how was the process of forming the group?. During those moments you sung and play bass.

King: To me anywhere is a good place to start a group, as long as you got the right people for it!. We started the band out of love for metal music. I've always wanted to have a band and to give my life for music to create, perform, and record it. That is one the most important things in my life. I love music!. I met a guy named Doug Souther in 1983. He wanted to also a form a band. We hung out alot and he bought a guitar and I bought a bass. I had a friend named Marcel Dossantos I went to school with. He played drums. We were a three piece with me singing. We met Mark Adams at a TWISTED SISTER show in Washington DC in 1983. We talked and became friends, we heard he could play guitar pretty good. We asked him to join. I had the name DECEASED in my mind and after a few fud du name starts (MAD BUTCHER and MACE) we became DECEASED. Marcel had a girlffriend and spent more time with her then his drum set so we asked him to leave the band. I switched to drums, we got on it and went without a bass player for a year or two. We just wrote tunes and went out and told people to "Be ready for DECEASED"!. Rob Sterzel joined on bass in 1986, he was a friend we knew. We saw him playing an acoustic guitar at a party (It was "Endless pain era" of KREATOR) and we got him aboard. From there, we wrote the tunes and showed him what we have this eventually leading to the first demo "The Evil Side Of Religion'!

Martín: What happened with Rob Sterzel in 1988?. It should be a hard situation to carry on. How did became the idea to you for sing and play drums?

King: Rob passed on in a hit and run accident. It would be terrible enough if we just lost him but we also lost Doug's brother Steve and our good friend Larry as well. Another friened shawn was crippled in the accident. It was a terrible time for everyone who knew them, we were all in shock but we decided over time to keep the band going as we felt Rob would of wanted us too. Singing and playing drums was something I took up after seeing Dan Beelher of EXCITER and Peter Criss from KISS. I was originally the singer/bassist so I went to drums and kept on. It took awhile to get it down but eventually it fell into place.

Martín: During 1988 and 1990 you have released various demos. Seeing them from an actual perspective, which things consider that you have learned in terms of recording, play, and manage a release by yourself?.

King: We learned a lot. The first demo was done for $20 and a case of beer. Very poorly. I dubbed in the vocals on my home stereo. For "Birth by radiation" in 1988 we went to a real studio, paid I believe about $600 and did it over a weekend. We learned about mixing, recording parts and overdubs. Little things. We were very young but we kept an eye out. When we went back in in 1989 for "Nuclear exorcist" demo (I beleive we spent about $800 on this one) we were musically better prepared but this time we had another producer on it. a guy name D Joey P!. He'd rather spend time drugging and goofing off then doing his job. He ruined the sound of the demo in my eyes. We learned then that a producer needs to be spot on and not just sitting in the chair in front of the mixing board.Putting the tapes out was fun. We'd get cassettes and go home and dub the shit out of copies'! We first demo we gave away for free. It was our anti-greed statement so many bands then had tapes for $8 etc and were 2 tunes etc, it was lame of them! so we gave ours out. We must of given out over 2000 tapes. The decond and third demo were each around 25 minutes and we sold em for $5 at gigs, parties, whereever we could. We made our own covers and had friends make art for us for them! .It was fun and a real learning experience.

Martín: Many people don’t know that you were the FIRST band that the now well known RELAPSE records signed. How did the label get interested in the group and approached it?. Any special memory of that moment that you would like to share?

King: Me and Matt Jacobson were penpals. He loved the band and made stickers and stuff for us. One letter he told me he was starting the label. He asked if we wanted to sign up, we talked it over and went with it. He was a good guy early on, he then moved east where we are from and we met up. He had hooked up with Bill and were now partners. We all got along good. Friendly and good natured with the music angle coming first. It was fun and good to be on a label and ready to record. Looking back it was a neat time in our lives. Sadly overtime RELAPSE became all about $$$ and nothing about the love of music.

Martín: DECEASED did a lot of albums with strong roots on death metal, but with the addition of interesting elements of more traditional heavy metal music. This is remarkable specially with “Fearless Undead Machines” and “Supernatural Adiction”. Was it a natural progress for the band or you decided to add more traditional ingredients of the genre to try something different? The results in my opinion were excellent.

King: It was all nautral. We never care what is in or out in popularity. We are older guys and grew up on metal of the late 70's and 80's. Melody is good. I love a good hook in a song. but I also love speed and vicious energy in music. So we all hybrid what we loved and out it came. We also were better song writers and music players over time so it worked more. If you go back to even the first demo and a song like "March Of The Cadavers" you'll hear melody in our riffs. Songs like "Nuclear Exorcist"or "Deformed Tomorrows" have plenty of melody. It took time to get it where we wanted it, but we worked at our craft and it got to where we wanted it to be.

Martín: I consider DECEASED a much better band that other acts that during the nineties got all the specialized press, publicity and recognition. For me this is not just, your music was much better. Did you bother about this lack of suport of some fans or press?.

King: We never cared. We aren't in music for popularity. We are in it because we love to write and perform it. We don't have to 'fit in' or be a certain way. So many bands of the times have come and gone or changed dramatically to stay 'viable', to us that's a joke in itself. We've always just kept on doing DECEASED music 110%. If nobody wants to hear it, don't! It changes nothing in the world of DECEASED and our music. If for a minute we are gaining some good press or folks are praising us, then that's an added bonus. We smile and are gracious but we just keep on keeping on our way.

Martín: I believe that death metal is alive and well. Do you see that yet there are fans that are demanding it not also in United States but all around the world?

King: Well to me death metal is so different anymore. It's all a blurrrrrrrrrr or grrrrrrrrrrrrrr sound now. It's noise anymore mainly. The aura and the doom-laden vibe of it is mostly lost and to me that's really sad because when death metal is done right it is so eerie and convincing. I hope bands will try to create more a vibe in the future and stop trying so hard to just tune down, made a logo you can't read, or be more extreme then whatever is extreme at the time.

Martín: What do you do apart from the band? I mean, another musical projects, work, etc....

King: I have my own record label called OLD METAL RECORDS and a distro. iI spend a lot of time with that and my family. Family time is very important to me. my wife, my kids, my family! I also love to play sports and listen to music and collect films. This keeps me more than busy 24-7.

Martín: What do you think about this huge tendency of “downloading” CDs, demos, etc?.

King: It's fine by me. Music is what it is. Before there was a music industry there was music, if someone can get our music for free on a site, get it. We sell our music to just pay off recording fees, manufacturing fees and money to go on the road and survive. Sadly money runs the world, we do our best to give bang for the buck with our releases, so no one feels shorted or let down. Dut downloading and all is fine with me. As long as music someone wants to hear is heard, right on!!!

Martín: King, your favorite ten albums of all times.

King: man it bounces alot from time to time around number seven... but right now

1) Uriah Heep 'abominog'
2) MSG 'michael schenker group'
3) Black Sabbath 'mob rules'
4) Y&T 'mean streak'
5) Voivod 'killing technology'
6) Warlord 'deliver us'
7) Vandenberg 'vandenberg'
8) Slayer 'show no mercy'
9) Jag Panzer 'ample destruction'
10) Rock Goddess 'hell hath no fury'

Martín: Would you like to say something to the readers of this interview?

King: Take care of yourselves. Keep it honest and sincere. Be yourself. No puppets/no strings. Have a great 2009 and beyond. Thanks for the interview Martin, up the tombstones!

Reportaje a Kingsley "King" Fowley (DECEASED)

Reportaje: Martín

Martín: DECEASED tiene muchos años en la escena. Hablemos del presente de la banda. ¿Que han hecho luego del lanzamiento de “As The Weird Travel On”?

King: Siempre nos mantenemos ocupados sea tocando o simplemente jodiendo… ¡Viviendo y disfrutando la vida!. Grabamos un montón de singles y un par de splits con bandas que son amigas nuestras. ¡En estos momentos principalmente estamos trabajando y escribiendo material para nuestro próximo disco “Surreal Overdose”!

Martín: ¿Cómo ves en la actualidad a la escena de thrash/death Estadounidense?

King: Honestamente no puedo seguirla para mantenerme al tanto. Actualmente el “Retro Thrash” es la gran cosa, las bandas surgen y se separan muy rápido cambiando su estilo de la mañana a la noche. Se hace facil cuestionar su honestidad ya que padecen el sindrome de los “15 minutos de fama”. Amo este tipo de musica como está escrita y tocada aunque solo espero que lo sea así por razones honestas. Los clubes siguen haciendo recitales con bandas metálicas así que en lo que se refiere a shows en vivo está todo bien.

Martín: ¿Hay planes concretos con DECEASED para el 2009?

King: Un nuevo álbum “Surreal Overdose” y esperemos un montón de shows con nuestra actual alineación en vivo. Nos rompimos el culo para tener la banda a punto para los shows y lista para afrontar muchos recitales. Queremos viajar por todo Estados Unidos y llevar los “Tombstones Of Terror” a ciudades en donde nunca estuvimos. Aparte de ello, probablemente diseñaremos nuevas remeras, merchandising y seguiremos divirtiendonos/ pasándola bien.

Martín: Hablemos del pasado. Sos el fundador del grupo. Arlington no es precisamente una ciudad en la que uno espera que aparezca una banda de death metal. ¿Podrías contarme como fue el proceso para ir formando la banda?. Para aquella época sólo cantabas y tocabas el bajo.

King: ¡Para mí, cualquier lugar es bueno para comenzar un grupo siempre que tengas la gente adecuada para ello!. Comenzamos con la banda por amor a la música metálica. Siempre quise tener una y dar la vida por la música, para crear, tocar, y grabarla. Esta es una de las cosas más importantes de mi vida. ¡Amo la música!. Encontré a un tipo llamado Doug Souther en 1983 que también quería armar un grupo. Nos unimos, se compró una guitarra y yo un bajo. Tenía un amigo llamado Marcel Dossantos, con el que fuimos juntos a la escuela, el tocaba la batería. Eramos un trío conmigo en la voz. Nos contactamos con Mark Adams en un show que Twisted Sister dió en Washington D.C. durante 1983. Hablamos y nos hicimos amigos, habíamos oído de que podía tocar muy bien la guitarra, por eso le pedimos que se nos uniera. El nombre de DECEASED lo tenía en mente, y luego de unos primeros nombres (MAD BUTCHER y MACE), nos volvimos DECEASED. Marcel tenía una novia y pasaba mucho tiempo con ella que con la batería así que le pedimos que se fuera de la banda. Pasé yo mismo a tocar ese instrumento. Estuvimos sin bajista por casi dos años, nos limitabamos a escribir temas y salir a decirle a la gente que “¡Estén listos para DECEASED!”. Rob Sterzel se nos unió como bajista en 1986, era un amigo que conocíamos y lo vimos tocando una guitarra acústica en una fiesta (Era la época del disco “Endless Pain” de KREATOR), al final lo incorporamos. A partir de ese momento todos escribimos los temas y le mostramos lo que teníamos. ¡Todo esto llevo a la concreción de nuestro primer demo “The Evil Side Of Religion”!

Martín: ¿Que ocurrió en 1988 con Rob?. Debió haber sido una situación dura de sobrellevar. ¿Cómo surgió la idea de que toques la batería y además cantes?

King: Rob murió en un accidente automovilístico provocado por un conductor que se dió a la fuga. Ya hubiera sido lo suficientemente terrible si sólo fuera el, pero además perdimos al hermano de Steve (Dougs) y a Larry, un muy buen amigo. Otro conocido quedó lisiado por el accidente. Fue un tiempo terrible para todos los que los conocíamos ya que estabamos muy shockeados. Decidimos mantener la banda ya que sentíamos que Rob nos quería también. El cantar y tocar la batería fue algo que adopté luego de ver a Dan Beelher (EXCITER) y a Peter Criss (KISS). Originalmente era el bajista/vocalista y me fuí a la batería para quedarme. Me tomo un tiempo adaptarme pero todo al final salió bien.

Martín: Durante los años 1988 y 1990 lanzaron varios demos. Viéndolos desde una perspectiva presente, ¿Que cosas considerás que aprendiste en lo que concierne a grabación, ejecución, y lanzar una grabación por tus propios medios?

King: Hemos aprendido un montón. El primer demo fue hecho con 20 dólares, un pack de cervezas y muy primitivamente. Grabé mis voces en mi equipo de audio. Para “Birth In Radiation” (1988) fuimos a un verdadero estudio, creo que pagamos algo así como 600, aprendimos pequeñas cosas sobre mezcla, grabación y sobregrabaciones. Eramos muy jóvenes pero tratamos de ser cuidadosos. Cuando volvimos para grabar en 1989 el demo “Nuclear exorcist” (Creo que nos costó 800 dólares) estabamos mejor preparados musicalmente pero tuvimos otro productor en el. Un tipo llamado Joey P. Se la pasaba boludeando y luego hacía su trabajo. En mi opinión arruinó el sonido del demo, aprendimos que un productor necesita estar focalizado y no sólo sentado en la consola. Editar los tapes fue divertido, teníamos cassettes e ibamos a casa para hacer las copias grabadas. Para el primer demo lo ofrecimos gratis. Era nuestra postura anti comercial, había tantas bandas que tenían demos por 8 dólares y sólo tenían 2 temas, era una cosa poco convincente. Así que dimos el nuestro, calculo que unas 2000 copias. El segundo y tercer demo duraban casi 25 25 minutos y los vendimos por 5 dólares en shows, fiestas, en donde pudieramos. ¡Hacíamos nuestras propias portadas y algunos amigos las diseñaban para los demos!. Fue divertido y una verdadera experiencia de aprendizaje.

Martín: Mucha gente no sabe que ustedes fueron la PRIMERA banda que el ahora conocido sello RELAPSE RECORDS contrató. ¿Cómo ellos se interesaron en ustedes y los contactaron?. ¿Algún recuerdo especial de aquel momento que quieras destacar?

King: Matt Jacobson (Actual dueño) y yo eramos intimos amigos por correspondencia. A el le gustaba la banda, hizo stickers y cosas así para nosotros. En una carta me contó que estaba comenzando con el sello y me preguntó si quería que firmara con él. Lo hablamos con los demás y decidimos que sí. En aquel entonces era un buen tipo, se mudo a la Costa Este (De donde somos) y nos encontramos. Se enganchó con Bill y ahora son socios en el sello. Nos llevábamos todos bien, muy amigablemente con el enfoque de la música que estabamos haciendo. Fue divertido y bueno estar en un sello, listos para grabar. Viendo el pasado, fue un momento fantástico en nuestras vidas. Tristemente, con el paso del tiempo, el objetivo de Relapse fue todo dinero, guita, ganar plata, y nada que tenga que ver con el amor por la música.

Martín: DECEASED grabó un montón de álbumes con raíces en el death metal pero agregando elementos provenientes del heavy metal tradicional, esto es muy evidente a partir de “Fearless Undead Machines” y “Supernatural Adiction”. ¿Fue una progresión natural o decidieron incorporar ingredientes más “clásicos” para intentar algo distinto?. Para mí los resultados fueron excelentes.

King: Fue todo natural, nunca nos importó que estaba de moda o no. Somos tipos viejos que crecimos con el metal de fines de los setentas y ochentas. La melodía es buena, amo un buen gancho en un tema pero también me gusta la velocidad y la energía viciosa en la música. Fusionamos todo lo que nos gusta y salió así. Además en la actualidad somos mejores compositores y mejoramos como músicos así que funciona mucho más. Si vas para atrás y ves incluso en el primer demo, una canción como “March Of The Cadavers”, vas a escuchar melodías en nuestros riffs. Temas como “Nuclear Exorcist” o “Deformed Tomorrows” tienen muchísimas melodías. Tomó tiempo el lograr lo que pretendíamos, pero trabajamos duro y llegamos a donde queríamos estar.

Martín: Considero a DECEASED una banda mucho mejor que otras colegas que durante los noventas se llevaban toda la prensa especializada, publicidad y reconocimiento, la música de ustedes siempre fue mucho mejor. ¿Te importaba esta falta de interés o apoyo de la prensa y algunos fans?.

King: Nunca nos importó, no estamos en esto por la popularidad sino porque amamos escribir y tocar los temas. No tenemos necesidad de “encajar” o adaptarnos a ciertas maneras. Muchas bandas de todos los tiempos han ido y venido o cambiado drásticamente el estilo para ser “creíbles”, para nosotros eso es una joda en si mismo. Siempre nos hemos mantenido con DECEASED haciendo música en un 110%. ¡Si nadie quiere escucharla, que no lo hagan!. Eso no cambia en nada del mundo a DECEASED o a nuestra música. Si por un minuto tuvieramos algo de buena prensa o chicos adorándonos, sería como un “bonus”. Sonriríamos pero seguiríamos en la nuestra.

Martín: Creo que el death metal está vivito y coleando. Ves que aún hay fans que lo demandan no sólo en los Estados Unidos sino en el resto del mundo?

King: Para mí el death metal actual es muy diferente al tradicional, es un sonido con mucho “grrrrrrrr” (Hace la onomatopeya), principalmente es ruido. El aura y el sentimiento tenebroso está casi perdido y es una pena porque cuando comenzó el death metal era macabro y convincente. Espero que las bandas intenten a futuro lograr nuevamente esto y paren de afinar bajo, ponerse un logo ilegible, o ser más extremos de lo que ya es extremo.

Martín: ¿Que cosas hacés independientemente de la banda?

King: Tengo mi propio sello llamado “Old Metal Records”, y una distribuidora. Eso me insume mucho tiempo, a parte de mi familia. El tiempo con la familia es importante, mi esposa, hijos, ¡Mi familia!. Además e encanta hacer deportes, escuchar música y coleccionar películas. Esto me mantiene más que ocupado las 24 horas del día y los 7 días de la semana.

Martín: ¿Que opinás de esta oleada de “downloads” de CDs, demos, etc?.

King: Para mí está bien. La música es lo que es. Antes de la industria musical, había música, si alguien puede obtenerla gratis en nuestro sitio, pues que la obtenga. Vendemos nuestra música solo para pagar los costos de grabación y manufacturación y tener algo de plata para irnos de gira y sobrevivir. Desgraciadamente el dinero gobierna al mundo, hacemos lo mejor para que nuestros lanzamientos valgan los mangos que valen así nadie se siente estafado o decepcionado. Pero descargar y eso está a mi entender bien, siempre que alguien quiera escuchar música, ¡Está OK!

Martín: King, tus diez álbumes favoritos de todos los tiempos.


1) URIAH HEEP “Abominog”
2) MSG “Michael Schenker Group”
3) BLACK SABBATH “Mob Rules”
4) Y&T “Mean Streak”
5) VOIVOD “Killing Technology”
6) WARLORD “Deliver Us”
7) VANDENBERG “Vandenberg”
8) SLAYER “Show No Mercy”
9) JAG PANZER “Ample Destruction”
10) ROCK GODDESS “Hell Hath No Fury”

Martín: ¿Te gustaría decir unas palabras finales para quienes están leyendo esta entrevista?

King: Cuidense, mantenganse honestos y sinceros. Sean ustedes mismos y no títeres. Que tengan un gran 2009. Gracias Martín por la entrevista, “Up the tombstones!”

jueves, 27 de noviembre de 2008

Interview with Mem (EXUMER)

(Interviewer: Martín)

Exumer is back, alive and well!. I was really excited with the idea of interviewing Mem. Here we have the answers of the founder of this awesome band...

Martín: Mem, thank you very much for taking the time to answer these questions. To start the interview, let’s talk about the present. How did become the idea of reunite the band?

Mem: We were getting so much mail over the years and it really did not stop after we played the reunion show at Wacken in 2001. I was playing with the idea of putting the band back together for a while but then in 2007, Paul came to stay with me in New Yor City over Halloween. We connected in such a profound way that it brought back my initial thoughts about reforming the band. I had recorded the Second Sun Descends full-length and actually was mentally prepared to give it another try with Exumer. Paul is a technical genius and works for Apple in Hawaii and so he suggested we could work via the internet in three different places, me in New York City, Paul on Hawaii and Ray (Mensh, guitar) in Germany. Ray got onboard almost immediately after I had introduced the idea and so everything kind of fell in place.

Martín: It is very unusual that in the current line up are at the same time two vocalists that sung on the first and second album, I mean, you and Paul (Arakari). Would to like to mention something special about this unique situation?

Mem: Paul, Ray and I have been friends for over 23 years at this point. This is the only way I could imagine bringing Exumer back this time around. We did Wacken in 2001, for a one-off show but this is not a reunion, this is actually the full-on, functional band. We never lost touch or our friendship after I left the band in 1986. Paul, Ray and Bernie (Siedler, guitar), remained my friends until today. We are family, not just some guys who met last year and started jamming. So, you are right it is quite a special situation for a band to come back with two singers, but this is part of our history and our most definitely present situation.

Martín: It seems that old school thrash bands are coming back again and again, and I cellebrate this. In the case of EXUMER, which is the main objective for this new era of the group?

Mem: The main objective is to come back and record the best third album a band can possibly record after putting out their last album 22 years ago. The same goes with the live shows, we only want to play the most furious shows that you can imagine. There are so many fans who were either born in the 1980s or after, and who have never seen the band play live. Just go on you tube or some other medium and you will find a lot of people wondering if they could ever see Exumer live. Now they can…

Martín: In America a lot of bands like Merciless Death emerged playing a very aggresive style of thrash and we are talking about very young guys that perhaps are not born or have 3 years old when “Possessed By Fire” was released. By the way, this band have mentioned Exumer as an strong influence and Dan Holder (Guitarrist) has a tatoo of Exumer in his shoulder. How does it feel being an influential thrash band for the new generations?

Mem: We never thought that this could ever happen when we first started but I guess it’s the same when we started. We listened to Venom, Slayer and a lot of Exodus, those were our influences. The only difference was that they were not much older than we were at the time and that thrash metal was at its beginning. Anyway, I am honored and very moved that anyone can quote us as their influence. I tip my hat off to the new generation for keeping this music alive and not forgetting their roots at the same time.

Martín: Mem, let’s talk about the old times. You are the founder of the band. Could you tell me how was the process to find the members, and get a contract to record “Possessed By Fire”?

Mem: I met Ray at a Slayer show where we both worked as part of the local road crew. I wanted to start a band and he looked amazing, AND he played guitar. So, I approached him and we met at my dad’s garage for rehearsals. He brought Paul in as a rhythm guitarist and I brought Syke (Bornetto, Drums). However, Paul went to High School and his parents would not let him come to rehearse with us 4 x per week, so we asked Bernie to join. Paul left on good terms and we recorded a demo, the “Mortal in Black”, tape. We played a few shows after and got picked up by a label after playing only two shows. Finally, we went to Berlin to record “Possessed By Fire”.

Martín: For me, “Possessed By Fire” is one of my favorite ten albums of old school thrash of all times. It is incredibly killer, the drums, the riffs, your voice. Which bands or influences had in mind when you recorded this masterpiece?

Mem: We were influenced by Exodus, Slayer and all the bands from the time that meant anything to anyone else who was also around back then. I mean we all listened to the same music, thrash and metal in general was loved by everyone with the same intensity. I remember that I loved thrash, hardcore, punk and metal. I think that is the reason why thrash felt so honest, we were not preoccupied with labels. Everything went as long as it was true; what is difference between Priest’s “Rapid Fire” or a Venom track? Or a song by Agnostic Front or Bathory? All very aggressive music by honest bands! So, maybe that is why our music came out so urgent and pressing, because we fed off that energy without analyzing what style it is but how good.

Martín: I read that when “Rising From The Sea” was released, the critics didn’t receive it in the same way as the first album. Do you believe that the main reason was the change of the bass/vocalist or there were other factors for this reaction. For me it is also a great album.

Mem: I think that happened because of a few reasons. One, a new singer and a tendency towards a heavy Slayer influence. The first album was more of a mix of all the bands we liked at the time. Then, there were metal politics and really just that some of the songs on Rising were not as thought out as they were on Possessed. The sound was also not as forceful and that is because the band changed producers. So, I think in the end it’s a matter of preference. Both albums are important for the band’s image and are part of our history.

Martín: You have played in Brazil in the eighties, very near from my country, Argentina. Would you like to share some memories of that shows? My CD of “Possessed/Rising” is a brazilian edition (Rock Machine, 1998) and got a great picture with the band posing in the stage with a flag made by a fan.

Mem: Paul was singing on that tour, not me, but I know that everyone was absolutely blown away by Brazil and the fans. Sepultura opened for us back then and I remember it being one of the best times for Exumer. We would love to come back and play for the rest of South America, including your country, Argentina. This time with both singers!

Martín: Talking about technology in music, in which way you believe that things like Pro Tools or stuff like that help to get a better product in a band of thrash metal? Or you believe in a raw, genuine take at the studio?

Mem: I think people/bands should use what they think sounds the best for them. Either way, if you produce music one way or another, the result should always be something that you like and can be proud of! Whatever you prefer!

Martín: What do you think about this wave of downloading and mp3 thing?. Feel free to say whatever you like.

Mem: In one way it’s like the tape-trading from the early days, in another it is preventing bands from making profit so that they can go on and deliver new material. Here is what I do: I download music and then buy the album, especially if it is from a band I like/respect. It has gotten to the point where everything is transparent, easy to access and without any mystique. I was not able to get any demo at any given time when I was 14 years old. I had to write people via mail and trade tapes. I was wondering what Venom was up to and was not able to go online to see them on their tour bus after the show they just played in some city in the world. The magic is a bit GONE, but so are the stupid rock star attitudes. No I take that back, it’s just a bit less pretentious, that’s all. I rather have it more difficult and full of magic though!

Martín: Do you like any newer band of metal?. What do you think of bands like Lamb Of God, Killswitch Engage or Mastodon?. Do you prefer more the traditional way of doing metal?

Mem: I like Lamb Of God, and Mastodon but I prefer the old records from the eighties. Music cannot stop though and it has to evolve and change. Those bands represent what is going on now and they are honest. So, I wish them the best of luck and I am glad that they are around.

Martín: Would you like to mention your ten favorite albums of all times, including any kind of genre?


Exodus: Bonded by Blood.
Slayer: Hell Awaits.
Venom: Black Metal.
Possessed: Seven Churches.
Mercyful Fate: ALL!
Megadeth: Killing is my Business… and business is good!
Cro Mags: Age of quarrel/Best Wishes.
Dead Kennedys: Fresh fruit for rotting vegetables.
All by Thin Lizzy and all by Curtis Mayfield.
Early Frank Zappa, all eighties metal, punk and Hardcore!

Martín: Well Mem, it was an honour for me make this interview. Good luck with the new version of Exumer. To finish the interview would you like to say anything in special to the fans that are reading these?

Mem: Thank you and thank everyone who supported us past, present and future. There is no us without you! Keep thrash alive and stay true to what you believe, that is the only way I know how to live….

Reportaje a Mem (EXUMER)

(Reportaje: Martín)

¡Exumer está de regreso, vivito y coleando!. Realmente estaba muy entusiasmado con la posibilidad de entrvistar a Mem. Aqui tenemos las respuestas del fundador de esta formidable banda...

Martín: Mem, muchas gracias por tomarte el tiempo para responder estas preguntas. Para empezar la entrevista, hablemos sobre el presente. ¿Cómo surgió la idea de reformar la banda?

Mem: Durante estos años estuvimos recibiendo mucha correspondencia y realmente no paró hasta luego de que hicimos el show de reunión en Wacken en el 2001. Estaba tocando con la idea de volver a armar la banda por un tiempo, pero en el 2007 Paul (Arakari) vino a estar conmigo en Nueva York para la época de Halloween. Nos conectamos de una forma tan profunda que reflotaron mis pensamientos de reformar el grupo. Grabé el disco de Second Sun Descends y en la actualmente estoy preparado para intentarlo nuevamente con Exumer. Paul técnicamente es un genio, trabaja para Apple en Hawaii, sugirió que podíamos trabajar vía Internet en tres lugares diferentes. Yo en Nueva York, el en Hawaii y Ray (Mensch, Guitarra) en Alemania. Ray se incorporó casi de inmediato luego de que le comenté nuestras ideas y todo pareció encajar en su lugar.

Martín: Es muy atípico que en la alineación actual estén al mismo tiempo los dos vocalistas que cantaron respectivamente en el primer y segundo álbum, me refiero a Paul Arakari y a vos. ¿Te gustaría mencionar algo en especial sobre esta situación tan peculiar?

Mem: Paul, Ray y yo somos amigos desde hace 23 años atrás. Esta es la única forma en que puedo imaginar traer a Exumer de vuelta en estos tiempos. Hicimos lo de Wacken en el 2001 por un solo show, pero eso no fue una reunión, esta es la banda actual y funcional. Cuando yo dejé el grupo en 1986 nunca perdimos contacto ni nuestra amistad. Paul, Ray y Bernie (Siedler, Guitarra) siguen siendo mis amigos actualmente. Somos una familia y no sólo unos tipos que se encontraron el año pasado y empezaron a “zapar”. Entonces vos tenés razón, ya que es una situación especial para una banda el retornar con dos vocalistas pero esto es parte de nuestra historia y definitivamente nuestro presente.

Martín: Parece que las bandas de “Old School Thrash” están retornando una tras otra y celebro esto. ¿En el caso de Exumer cual fue el objetivo principal para esta nueva etapa de la banda?

Mem: El objetivo principal es regresar y grabar el mejor tercer álbum que una banda pueda hacer luego de haber hecho el último 22 años atrás. Lo mismo pensamos para las presentaciones en vivo, solo queremos tocar los shows más furiosos que te puedas imaginar. Hay tantos fans que nacieron en los ochentas o luego, y otros que nunca vieron a la banda tocar en vivo. Andá a “You Tube” u otro medio por Internet y vas a encontrar un montón de gente preguntando si podían alguna vez ver a Exumer en vivo. Ahora sí podrán…

Martín: En Estados Unidos un montón de bandas como Merciless Death aparecieron tocando un thrash muy furioso y estamos hablando sobre grupos muy jóvenes en edad que tal vez ni habían nacido o tenían 3 años de edad cuando “Possessed By Fire” se lanzó en su momento. Ellos han mencionado a Exumer como una gran influencia y su guitarrista (Dan Holder) tiene un tatuaje de ustedes en su hombro. ¿Qué se siente ser una banda de thrash tan influyente para las nuevas generaciones?

Mem: Nunca pensamos que esto podría llegar a ocurrir cuando empezamos pero supongo que esto que les pasa a ellos es lo mismo que nos pasó a nosotros cuando arrancamos. Escuchabamos a Venom, Slayer y un montón de Exodus, ellos fueron nuestras influencias. La única diferencia fue que esos grupos no eran mucho más viejos que nosotros de edad y nosotros estabamos en ese momento en la época en que el thrash empezaba a surgir. No obstante, me siento honrado y muy movilizado por cualquiera que nos cite como una influencia. Me saco el sombrero ante la nueva generación por mantener esta música viva y no olvidar sus raíces al mismo tiempo.

Martín: Mem, hablemos de los viejos tiempos. Vos fuiste el fundador de la banda. ¿Me podrías contar como fue el proceso de encontrar a los miembros y obtener un contrato para grabar “Possessed By Fire”?

Mem: Conocí a Ray en un show de Slayer en donde ambos trabajamos en la parte de asistentes/plomos. Quería iniciar una banda y el se veía impresionante, Y TOCABA la guitarra. Entonces lo contacté y nos encontramos en el garage de mi papá para ensayar. Llamó a Paul para ser guitarrista rítmico y yo traje a Syke (Bornetto, Batería). Paul iba a la secundaria y sus padres no lo dejaban venir a ensayar con nosotros cuatro veces a la semana, entonces le pedimos a Bernie que se incorporara. Paul se fue en buenos términos y grabamos un demo “Mortal In Black”. Un poco tiempo después hicimos un par de shows y un sello nos contactó luego de dos shows. Finalmente viajamos a Berlín para grabar “Possessed By Fire”.

Martín: Para mí, “Possessed By Fire” es uno de mis diez discos favoritos de “old school thrash” de todos los tiempos. Es increíblemente asesino, la batería, los riffs de las guitarras, tu voz. ¿ Que bandas o influencias tuvieron en mente a la hora de grabar esta obra maestra?

Mem: Estabamos influenciados por Exodus, Slayer, y todas las bandas de ese momento que significaran algo para alguien más que estuviera en esa onda por esos tiempos. Quiero decir, todos escuchábamos la misma música, el thrash y el metal en general eran queridos por todo el mundo con la misma intensidad. Recuerdo que me gustaba el thrash, el hardcore, punk y el metal. Pienso que esa es la razón por la cual el thrash es tan honesto, no estabamos preocupados por los sellos. Todo llegó hasta que a la larga fue realidad. ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre “Rapid Fire” de Judas Priest y un tema de Venom?. ¿O una canción de Agnostic Front o Bathory?. ¡Era toda música muy agresiva hecha por bandas honestas!. Entonces, tal vez eso hizo que nuestra música saliera tan urgentemente ya que nos alimentamos de esa energía sin analizar de que estilo se trataba pero si cuan bueno era.

Martín: Leí que cuando se lanzó “Rising From The Sea” la crítica no lo recibió de la misma forma que el primer álbum. ¿Creés que la razón principal fue el cambio de bajista/vocalista o hubo otros factores para esa reacción?. Para mí es otro gran disco.

Mem: Pienso que ocurrió por unas pocas razones. Una, teníamos un nuevo cantante y una influencia más marcada de Slayer. El primer álbum fue más una mezcla de todas las bandas que nos gustaban en ese momento. Entonces, había políticas en el metal y realmente algunas de las canciones de “Rising From The Sea” no fueron tan bien elaboradas como en “Possessed By Fire”. Creo de que al final fue una cuestión de preferencias. Ambos discos son importantes para la imagen de la banda y son parte de nuestra historia.

Martín: Ustedes tocaron en Brasil durante los ochentas, que está cerca de mi país (Argentina). ¿Te gustaría compartir algunos recuerdos de esos shows?. Mi CD de “Possessed By Fire/Rising From The Sea” es una edición brasileña (Rock Machine, 1998), y tiene una muy buena foto con la banda posando en el escenario mostrando una bandera hecha por un fan.

Mem: Paul cantaba y tocaba en ese tour, no yo, pero sé que todos quedaron completamente impresionados por Brasil y sus fans. En aquel entonces Sepultura abrió para nosotros y lo recuerdo como uno de los mejores momentos de Exumer. Nos encantaría volver a tocar para el resto de Sudamérica incluyendo tu país, Argentina. ¡Esta vez con ambos cantantes!

Martín: Hablando de la tecnología en la música. ¿En que forma creés que programas como el Pro Tools o cosas por el estilo ayudan a obtener un mejor resultado en una banda de thrash metal?. ¿O creés en una genuina y cruda toma en el estudio?

Mem: Considero de que la gente y las bandas deben usar lo que consideren que suena mejor para ellos. No obstante, ¡Si producís música de una forma u otra el resultado debería siempre ser algo que te guste y de lo que puedas estar orgulloso!. ¡Lo que vos prefieras!

Martín: ¿Que opinás de esta enorme oleada de “downloads” y mp3?. Sentite libre de comentar lo que quieras.

Mem: Por un lado se parece al “tape-trading” de las primeras épocas, pero por el otro impide a los grupos ganar dinero para así seguir grabando material nuevo. Esto es lo que yo hago: bajo música y luego compro el álbum, especialmente si se trata de una banda que me gusta o respeto. Se ha llegado a un punto en donde todo es transparente, facil de acceder y sin mística. En ningún momento yo podía obtener ningún demo cuando tenía 14 años de edad. Tenía que escribir y mandar correspondencia y hacer “tape trading” (Intercambio de cintas). Me preguntaba qué onda con Venom y no podía verlos “online” en su bus de gira luego del show en que tocaron en una ciudad del mundo (Aclaración: Mem en esta última oración se refiere a que en aquella época no podía ver algo online tal como lo hacemos hoy). La magia despareció un poco, pero ahora están las actitudes estúpidas de estrellas de rock. No dejo eso atrás, es un poco menos pretencioso, es todo. ¡Debería tener más dificultad y estar lleno de magia!

Martín: ¿Te gustan bandas nuevas de metal?. ¿Qué pensas de grupos como Lamb Of God, Killswitch Engage o Mastodon?. ¿Preferís más la forma tradicional de hacer metal?

Mem: Me gustan Lamb Of God y Mastodon pero prefiero los viejos discos de los ochentas. La música no se puede detener, debe evolucionar y cambiar. Estas bandas representan que es lo que está ocurriendo hoy en día y son honestas. Les deseo a ellos la mejor de las suertes y estoy contento de que estén dando vueltas por allí.

Martín: ¿Te gustaría mencionar tus diez álbumes favoritos de todos los tiempos, incluyendo todo tipo de género?

Mem: Exodus: Bonded by Blood.
Slayer: Hell Awaits.
Venom: Black Metal.
Possessed: Seven Churches.

Mercyful Fate: TODO!
Megadeth: Killing is my Business… and business is good!
Cro Mags: Age of quarrel/Best Wishes.
Dead Kennedys: Fresh fruit for rotting vegetables.

Todo lo de Thin Lizzy y Curtis Mayfield.

El primer Frank Zappa, todo el metal de los ochentas, ¡Punk y hardcore!

Martín: Bien Mem, ha sido un honor para mí hacer esta entrevista. Buena suerte con esta nueva version de Exumer. Para finalizar la entrevista. ¿Te gustaría decirle algo en especial a los fans que la están leyendo?

Mem: Gracias a vos, y gracias a todos los que nos apoyaron en el pasado, presente y futuro. ¡No somos nada sin ustedes!. Mantengan el thrash vivo y permanezcan leales a lo que creen, es la única manera de saber como vivir…

domingo, 2 de noviembre de 2008

Interview with Bod (ANIHILATED)

(Interviewer: Martín)

I have contacted with Bod, the drummer of this british cult thrash band, who kindly answered me these questions about the past, and actual reuion of the band.

Martín: Bod, thank you very much for taking the time to answer these questions. To start the interview, let’s talk about the present. How did become the idea of reunite the band?

Bod: Well firstly I would like to thank you for asking me to do this interview, it's always good to be able keep in touch with our fans in Argentina. We had been getting loads of mail asking if a reunion was likely and we also had the re-releases on the cards. Si had been hinting to Mark that he was up for seeing if we could get back together, then when I became available too, it kind of just fell into place. What started out as “lets get together for a jam” ended up as a song writing session and the old chemistry came flooding back.

Martín: Anihilated was and is a “cult band” in the thrash scene. As a musician of that scene that during those years was plenty of bands, could you tell me how was the underground thrash scene in England in terms of bands, zines, shows?

Bod: In the beginning there were a relatively small number of bands who were all developing and shaping the scene. It was an exciting time and there was a great output of superb material and also a great comeraderie between the bands, but within a few years, the scene became too flooded and certain major record labels began to take control which had a huge effect on the way the music evolved. They dictated which bands became successfull and who failed, Many good bands were signed and went on to release superb albums, but the labels often got it terribly wrong, signing vastly inferior bands who released utter garbage. Many ended up being rejected and resented by the crowds (you can't fool the fans). Many new ususpecting bands were signed because of their big fan bases and then shelved, so the labels could expose their more favoured artists to their crowds. Too many great bands disappeared into obscurity as a result of this practice. It is widely known that so many bands were completely ripped off in the eighties and became so frustrated they disbanded. I hope I don´t sound too negative, but this is actually what went on back then and is something that never seems to be discussed in interviews. There were of course, massive successes but it wasnt all rosey and fun for those who suffered and dissapeared and we knew many of those. There were some great zines at the time such as “final curtain” and “problem child” that really got deep into the scene. They were the life blood in the early years and spread the word about the up and coming bands and where the best gigs were. There were also some great shows too such as the thrash metal festival we played in Bradford which had about 12 bands on and some of the early Slayer, celtic frost and death angel shows were awesome.

Martín: Reading the booklet of the re release of “Created In Hate”, I have noticed that in the beginning, Anihilated participated in Punk compilations. How do you believe that this style influenced your earlier sound?

Bod: We are very proud of our early punk roots and even now I would say there is a splash of punk in what we do, the aggression and the lyrical side of things are still there. Although i love metal, I was, and still am, a punk at heart.

Between “Path To Destruction” and “Created In Hate” the thrash metal sound was more remarkable in the band. Could you tell me if it was a natural progress or it was an influence of the american thrash scene?

Bod: It was a natural progression, we became more confident to express ourselves musically and break away from certain constrictions that existed in the punk scene at that time. Thrash Metal evolved from a mixture of Hardcore punk and Metal and our part in that evolution has been well documented. I would be lying if I said that Slayer’s early works didn’t influence us (laughs).

Martín: I consider Anihilated an “Old School Thrash Band”. Does this term represent something special to you?. I like the rawness and aggression of your works, and it is a trademark of this kind of style.

Bod: We are proud to be considered an old school band and also believe that our new material will cross over to people who like a more modern sound as well. It’s definitely old school but has some new dynamics.

Martín: The lyric of “Chase The Dragon” talks about people that abused with heroin, it has an interesting point of view. What was your idea when you’ve put it on the song?. Give a message of the danger of hard drugs to the fans?.

Bod: We had some close friends who had become hooked on heroin and we saw the way they spent all their money on it and how their lives revolved around getting their next hit. There was a period when heroin was riff in our community, it was not a good time to say the least, some did not make it. And a message? well i called Si to ask him as he does a lot of social work with very vunerable people and he said this..."I won’t tell you what to do guys, but I have worked with people whose lives have been destroyed by using drugs, I hope none of you have to go through that, when you have prostituted yourself to some filthy pervert who has raped you for enough money for a hit then the highs that drugs bring just aren’t enough compensation for the degradation you have put yourself through". ..... I think that says it all really

Martín: Did you tour with another thrash metal bands in the past? Feel free to comment whatever you like to say.

Bod:We played with many iconic bands of the time, Death Angel, Onslaught, Acid Reign, Sabbat, English Dogs, Doom and so, so many more. We had a great time on the road, made loads of friends and always did our best to put on a good show.

Martín: You have self-financed your EP “Path To Destruction”. Was it a decision forced by a lack of interest of labels in this kind of music or a way of doing yourself the entire release and recording process?

Bod: It was very early days in the scene, we had a product that no one really knew what to do with and to get it out we had to do it ourselves! It did the job and sold out fast and was a great experience. It even knocked Madonna off the top of the charts in our part of the country. In fact the Japaneese re-issues have all sold out too and we are now re-negotiating another deal.

Martín: You have re released the first two albums in Marquee Records. How did became the idea of bring back on CD this old stuff?

Bod: Public demand, we had so many people asking if there was a posibility of us reforming. Also people wanted the albums and couldn’t get them. Marquee approached us, they are a highly respected label who have great expertise in eighties re-issues, they have described The Ultimate Desecration album as "One of the finest UK Thrash Metal releases ever". How could we resist that? May I also mention that we now have T-shirts available from www.myspace.com/anihilated as so many people have been asking about them.

Being a member of a band that started in the eighties, are you interested in actual and more modern bands like Lamb Of God, Mastodon, or you prefer more traditional thrash bands?

Bod: Si and Mark like many of the modern bands, I prefere listening to new unsigned bands as i get so many coming through our myspace page but i think it would be fair to say that we are all mainly fans of older style metal.

Martín: What is you opinion about using the computers or tools to achieve a better performance for a record?. I think that the final result is a less genuine product.

Bod: There are very few studios that use good old tape these days. I love the warm sound of tape but I can also fully appreciate the advantages of digital media. I suppose it depends on how you use the computer. To clean up a recording or to sharpen up the sound of an old LP is a good thing. However altering speed or pitch or doing something to the music that absolutely changes it can mask it’s intrinsic honesty. Modern technology is a fine thing but there is no point if you cannot genuinly perform to begin with. Thats why so many bands fall down with their live shows, they just can't cut it live.

Martín: Do you have any hobbie in special that you like to mention?

Bod: Apart from the band, Si is well into playing World of Warcraft when he has the time (he has five children with another due in December), Mark loves to work on music and writing new songs which is also my thing and I also run the MySpace site.

Martín: What is your opinion about this massive tendency of downloading albums and mp3 sharing?

Bod: I am not too sure about all this yet, there are winners and losers, I guess as long as the artist is not being exploited and is happy with their music being used in this way its fine. I guess you have to move with the times but I don´t think you can beat having a CD or Vinyl copy of an album.
Martín: OK Bod, thats all. Would you like to say something to Argentinian thrash fans to finish this interview?

Bod: Well I have to say that we have always been so proud to have such a strong and loyal following in Argentina and the South Americas. Thanks to each and every one of you for your fantastic support, we take nothing for granted and know that many of you have stood by us for years. We hope you enjoy the re-issues and are sure you will approve of the new album which will be out in 2009. Keep in touch - all the very best to you from all of us at Anihilated.